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We bought the product my first scooter from this Watford branch and after putting it together and allowing my 2-year-old daughter to use it I realised one of the wheels has restriction to it, so I disallowed her to use and proceeded to check the safety of this product and as a parent deemed it to be faulty this was on the 26th May 2017 and decided to return it the next day, which my wife did, however, this conniving manageress deemed it not to be faulty and refused the exchange of this product for a better quality one from the little tek and after checking the reviews which I did not with the my first scooter product, I concluded this was a better product than the my first scooter. After going back and forth with customer service on the basis of consumers rights etc after 4 phone calls I was offered a £20 gift it's not even about the money but your refund policy needs to be clearly written for all customers to see as your receipts say one thing but your internal policies which are not under the consumer rights acts of 2015.This manageress has no customer service skills. This item was blatantly damaged and I will never ever shop there again, I have been buying toys from your department since 2007 and never experience this treatment! She even lied and said the faulty wheel has a brake mechanism which is only activated via pressure from standing on the board, but the instruction manual said otherwise "warning no brakes" I also took it a local bike shop who laughed at my request to check if the brakes are working!

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